✅probiotics Application:
✅probiotics composting tks-m2 - Use of organic waste✅probiotics straw✅probiotics composting coffee husk✅probiotics composting tks-m2 bagasse✅thủy kim sinh earthworm casting✅thuy kim sinh farm manure✅tks food waste ✅probiotics✅probiotics composting✅probiotics composting tks-m2 for the production of bio-organic fertilizer✅thủy kim sinh
✅thuy kim sinh - Transformation of organic compounds✅chế phẩm sinh học fiber✅chế phẩm vi sinh cellulose✅che pham sinh hoc ligin✅che pham vi sinh pectine in coffee husk✅sản phẩm vi sinh straw✅san pham vi sinh waste✅men vi sinh farm manure✅TKS TRỊ HÉO CHẬM poultry manure✅probiotics fertilizer tanks✅probiotics composting biogas quickly✅thuy kim sinh
✅chế phẩm sinh học - Reduce toxic gas (H2S✅probiotics composting tks-m2 NO3✅thủy kim sinh Cl) remove fetid odor✅tks
✅che pham sinh hoc - Removal of helminth eggs✅thuy kim sinh fly eggs✅tks mosquito eggs and bacteria such as Ecoli✅chế phẩm sinh học coliforms ✅chế phẩm sinh học✅chế phẩm vi sinh✅che pham sinh hoc
✅sản phẩm vi sinh - Increase the amount of dissolved oxygen in the soil✅che pham vi sinh
✅men vi sinh - Against environmental pollution✅sản phẩm vi sinh
✅probiotics - Additional beneficial bacteria such as:
✅probiotics composting tks-m2 + Fixed free protein from the air to create vegetative without inorganic protein fertilizers✅san pham vi sinh
✅thuy kim sinh + Transformation from sources of insoluble phosphate fertilizers in the soil available to soluble phosphate form for the crops readily absorbed✅men vi sinh
✅chế phẩm sinh học - Increased crop yields✅chế phẩm vi sinh limited wilt✅che pham sinh hoc limited root collar rot✅che pham vi sinh scabies tubers based on generation antibiotic✅sản phẩm vi sinh bacteria antagonistic fungi✅TKS TRỊ HÉO CHẬM
✅che pham sinh hoc - Non-toxic to humans✅san pham vi sinh cattle✅men vi sinh poultry✅TKS TRỊ HÉO CHẬM seafood✅probiotics not required Isolation time✅probiotics
✅sản phẩm vi sinh Direction to use:
✅men vi sinh - Take 1 kg/m3 of water soak a few hours (possible overnight)✅probiotics composting spray up 3-4 volumes of materials✅probiotics composting Stir up if you have not seen yet reached 60% to spray water✅probiotics composting tks-m2
✅probiotics - After 15 days stir up 1 times✅probiotics composting tks-m2 to spray water if dry✅thủy kim sinh 30 days later can use or composting continued until use✅thủy kim sinh
✅probiotics composting tks-m2 - Miscible TKS - M✅thuy kim sinh2 with manure before using to increase the humus✅thuy kim sinh improve the environment in the soil✅tks
✅thuy kim sinh Note:
✅chế phẩm sinh học - Each type of material used for composting has a different nature so different decay times✅chế phẩm sinh học
✅che pham sinh hoc Composting materials include:
✅sản phẩm vi sinh - Plant residues (coffee husk✅tks corn pulp✅chế phẩm sinh học straw✅chế phẩm vi sinh✅che pham sinh hoc✅che pham vi sinh✅sản phẩm vi sinh3-4 blocks✅chế phẩm vi sinh manure 1 block (if there is good)✅che pham sinh hoc 100kg P✅che pham vi sinh yeast 1kg)
✅men vi sinh ✅TKS TRỊ HÉO CHẬM